PUBLIKU LEMMIK “The Crown of Nature”
- place “Summer School”
- Place “Nature crown”
- place “Seven days to the downfall”
- place “Buconia”
- -6.
koht “Pangarööv” / “Kes naeris?”
- special prize category A (primary classes) for the films “Plastic Line Animals”, “Naughty Child”, “Bus Ride”.
- Best Actor in a Leading Role Ott Tiigirand, film “One Unhappy Soul”
- best supporting actor: mother and father in “Seven Days to Downfall”.
- best characters from the film “Mutifilm”
- Best Cinematography “Something negative”
- best line from the film “Seven Days to Downfall” (“well, have a good time”).
- best final scene “Bukonia”
- Best post-production for “Journey to the Shop”
- most unpopular film “Electrotechnics”