To the participant

Terms and conditions for participation in Film Festival Frame 2024

  1. General terms and conditions
    1. Film Festival Frame takes place 10.-12.
      October 2024 in Rapla.
    2. Teams participating in the festival have to create an original short film within 24 hours.
    3. All teams and participants must follow the schedule and rules set by the festival organisers.
  2. Participation categories
    1. Participants are divided into three categories:
      1. Youth films: ages 14-19
      2. Student films: aged 20-26 years
      3. Short films: ages 27+
    2. The author(s) choose the category according to their age.
      The author(s) of the film(s) submit their film in the category to which they belong.
  3. Registration and fees
    1. All participants must register before the festival deadline by filling in the registration form on the official festival website.
    2. The entry fee is 15€ per team, payable upon registration.
      The fee is non-refundable.
    3. Registration closes 6.10.2024, later registrations will not normally be considered.
  4. Film Creation
    1. Each film must have been created within 24 hours of the timeframe specified in the official festival schedule.
    2. The maximum length of films is 7 minutes, the minimum is 3 minutes.
    3. When making films, all participants must respect the following technical requirements:
      1. Films must be submitted in MP4 or MOV file format.
      2. The minimum resolution must be 1080p (Full HD).
    4. Before filming starts, each team will be given a 6-digit code which they will have to record in separate clips at each location (location) where filming will take place.
  5. Subject and specific restrictions
    1. The theme of the film is freely chosen.
    2. All films must be suitable for a wider audience and meet the following content restrictions:
      1. Must not contain inappropriate, racist, sexist or otherwise discriminatory content.
      2. The film must not contain any violence or offensive material that could violate the law.
  6. Copyright and intellectual property
    1. All material used in the film, including music, sound effects and visuals, must be original or duly licensed.
    2. Teams are responsible for the content of their films and for respecting copyright.
      All participants confirm that their film does not infringe the rights of third parties.
    3. Participants grant the organisers the right to screen and distribute their films within the festival, including on the festival’s online channels, social media and future events.
  7. Submission and deadlines
    1. Completed films must be submitted to the organisers no later than 24 hours after the start of the round.
    2. Submissions will be made through the festival’s official platform, details of which will be announced at the start of the 24-hour round.
    3. When transmitting films, an additional 1 hour is given for the extra time needed to upload the film.
    4. Films can also be presented in physical format (external hard disk, memory stick, etc.).
      In this case, no upload time will be added.
    5. Late submissions will not qualify for judging and will not be included in the competition.
  8. Evaluation and prizes
    1. Films will be judged by a professional jury
    2. The jury will assess the films on the basis of the following criteria:
      1. Storytelling and originality (25%)
      2. Directing and production (20%)
      3. Cinematography and camera work (20%)
      4. Assembly and rhythm (15%)
      5. Sound design and music (10%)
      6. Total impression and impact (10%)
    3. The best films in all categories will be announced at the final event on 12.
      October 2024.
    4. In addition to the main categories, the jury may award special prizes for outstanding creative contribution.
  9. Safety and rules of conduct
    1. All participants must respect the safety rules and local laws in force at the festival venues.
    2. Filming must not endanger the health and safety of participants or the public.
    3. The organisers reserve the right to disqualify teams who breach safety rules or behave inappropriately.
  10. Changes and rights of the organiser
    1. The organisers reserve the right to make changes to the festival schedule, the judging process and other conditions if necessary for the smooth running of the festival.
    2. The organisers are not responsible for technical problems or delays beyond their control.
  11. Consent and confirmations
    1. By registering, each participant confirms that he/she has read and fully accepts the terms and conditions of participation.
    2. All participants take responsibility for their own behaviour, the films they present and their content.

If you have any questions about the conditions of participation or if you need further information, please contact the festival organisers by e-mail: